VAXELIS is a hexavalent pediatric vaccine codeveloped by Sanofi Pasteur and Merck. VAXELIS contains DTaP, IPOL, PedvaxHIB and Hep B. It will be available to start shipping from Sanofi Pasteur’s sometime in June 2021. This vaccine does contain PedvaxHIB and will not need to be reconstituted.
Pricing for VAXELIS will be based on how a customer chooses to use this vaccine in his/her practice. Sanofi Pasteur has offered a base price as well as a performance price for VAXELIS.
Base pricing will be available to all PCA customers. This pricing is for offices that choose to integrate VAXELIS at one or two of the 2, 4, 6 and 12-18 month well visits but continue using Pentacel or single entity DTaP, IPOL and HIB at the other visits. Offices may choose to do this for a variety of reasons. Another customer who would qualify for the base price for VAXELIS would be an office that chooses to have a few doses of VAXELIS on hand for parents who insist on few shots for their child or for patients who have previously received VAXELIS from another office and want to continue using it.
Performance pricing will only be available to PCA customers who commit to using VAXELIS for all patients at their 2, 4 and 6 month well visits. These offices can then give Pentacel or single entity DTaP and HIB at one of the patient’s 12-18 month old well visits.
To Start Implementing VAXELIS Into A Routine Vaccine Schedule An Office Has Two Options:
- Start using VAXELIS at the 2 month old well visit and then continue giving it to these patients at their 4 month and 6 month well visits. Any patient who had already received a dose or doses of Pentacel at a previous 2 month and/or 4 month old well visit could finish the 2, 4 and 6 month visits with another dose or doses of Pentacel.
- Another option would be to immediately start using VAXELIS for all 2, 4 and 6 month visits and save any doses of Pentacel the clinic has left to give to patients during one of the 12-18 month visits (whenever you give the fourth dose of DTaP).
Clinics interested in receiving VAXELIS Performance Pricing, need to return the VAXELIS Commitment Letter here.
If your clinic is thinking of using VAXELIS, please contact your payers immediately to find out reimbursement rates. The CPT Code for VAXELIS is 90697. Since this vaccine was approved by the CDC and ACIP more than a year ago, some insurance companies may have put in a “place holder” reimbursement rate since it was not yet available for purchase. You will want to make sure these companies are going to review this CPT code at upcoming meetings and set a reimbursement rate that will more than cover your cost.
For pricing information, please contact Amy at